Rabu, 10 September 2014

How to Boost Up Chrome for DivoSaga / Wartune

Hi, long time not posting any news makes me awkward now lol. To the point, here I want to share the "tips" to make our browser smooth when playing flashplayer-based online game, especially DivoSaga and Wartune.

This tips is only work on chromium-based browser (Google Chrome, Comodo Dragon, etc). First, you need to open Google Chrome, then type chrome://plugins, or dragon://plugins (on Comodo Dragon Browser). Then click on the "Details" option. (see image below)

After you click that option, the plugins tab will expanded. Then find Adobe Flash Player by scrolling down the cursor. (see this image)

If you couldn't find the second flash player under PepperFlash, then you need to install the latest one from

The second, you need to install a chrome extension which named with Flash Render Quality changer (FRQc), find it by CLICKING HERE. Here's the page preview:

Done installing? the FRQc icon must be appear next to navigation bar like this:

Click that icon and choose the Low quality option,

Refresh the page, and feel the different ;)

NB: This tips also worked to reduce "slowmo / lag move" chance when online in longterm of time.

Additional information:
this is how we know if it already in Low quality or still in High quality.

Low Quality, the 7 Road sign will be appear a bit dissolve like this image

and if it still in High Quality, the 7 Road sign will be appear clearly

Okay, that's all the way to boost the browser for smooth playing of the game. Any questions of it all above, can message me in DivoSaga or in fb (the url is provided on the sidebar of the blog). Thank you.

Created for all my Divo Friends specially my lovely guild, SHIELD (formerly known as PureHeart)

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